Happy morning= Happy day! tips for a positive outcome :)
as a lady that struggles with anxiety and even depression at times, i've had issues with my mornings. it took me a good while to realize how important they are & how to train my brain into thinking happy thoughts no matter how sad i was at the time.
i had a counselor who helped me when my hubby was in college, her name was "miss Milly". she was a trip, i tell you what! a funny, southern, black lady who did in-fact help pull me out of a really bad anxiety state at the time. she asked me one day, "tell me this...when you wake up every morning, what do you feel? do you think to yourself~ hallelujah, another day! or~ ooo great....another day :(" & instantly i knew the answer, and it definitely was NOT praising god! i was starting my days off to fail right from the start and never even knew it.
it's been a good while since i've seen lil Miss Milly & i feel like i've grown a lot since then. i've aquired quite a few techniques and am still learning! i can't say my anxiety is always at bay but i am functioning and i try my damnedest to have happy days as much as possible :) in this post i would like to share some tips that help me have happy mornings and happy days right from the get-go! enjoy~
** wake up with a grateful heart. ~ no matter what the day will bring, whether you're bummed to go to work or have an appointment that is freaking you out. TRY hard to think of all the positive. heck... you're alive, you probably live in a place that has a roof and cozy bed, you have food that you can eat, no? how sad is it that this is a privilege in other countries? so seriously cherish what may seem like the most minuscule blessings. theres always something positive to focus on, no excuses!
** drink a glass of water. ~ staying hydrating is really important! i myself have to choke down the stuff, i just have never been a big water drinker. BUT, i do make a point to force down a glass especially in the morn. like i said, it helps hydrate which is also important if your a big coffee drinker. de-hydration is the cause of a lot of weird symptoms and most people don't even know it. so just DO IT, fast...and get it over with!
**be leery of extensive facebooking! ~ i'm pretty sure a lot of us have a habit of instantly checking our Facebook in the morning, it's hard not to. it's cool and all but be leery of it sucking extensive time & energy out of your day. sometimes i get on there and something somebody posted ticks me off or annoys me (lol) & then there goes my good day! well, it's not guaranteed to completely ruin everything. BUT it can lead to negative thoughts and sometimes that has a way of snow-balling out of control. so like i said, just be LEERY!
**EAT SOMETHING, anything... ~ some of us have a hard time eating in the morning because we get in the habit of loving our coffee a lil too much ((guuiilllttyyy)). i personally am not always hungry for anything, but not eating ANYTHING is like trying to drive across the state on a tank near "e" with no gas stations in sight! we NEED something to fuel our bodies or they start acting all tore up and broken down! so eat something, even if its a protein bar or a quick bowl of cereal. it definitely helps <3
**Meditate! ~ some peeps might think you have to pull out the ole' buddha statue, burn incense and wear full monk attire to be able to meditate! as if there is some secret magic that needs to happen or a certain humming that needs to be chanted. hey, i used to think that way, lol. truth is, all meditating is is simply clearing ones mind of thoughts...or at least attempting to. just sitting and closing your eyes for possibly 10-15 minutes can do wonders. there are many different types of meditating and i guess it can seem a bit intimidating if you don't know any better. don't let it be though, clearing your mind is super important! meditation has a ton of benefits. it's known to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve the immune system, increase HAPPINESS & creativity! what's not to love? give it a whirl :)
~Meditation and other forms of relaxation and mindfulness not only change your immediate state of mind and your stress level, they also can alter the very structure of your brain.
**be conscious of the effects of positive vs. negative thinking ~ i heard of this "seven day brain diet" thing. the challenge is to try to go all week without thinking ONE negative thought. i've tried it and have failed miserably EVERYTIME! believe me it's hard. many don't even realize how often negative thoughts invade our minds because we become so immune to it. the only way to cut down on all bad brain vibes is to keep your thoughts in check & also as i said above, MEDITATE! it will require work and will not always be possible, but we might as well try, right? :) check out this scientific fact:
~"Stimulating areas of the brain that handle positive emotions strengthens those neural networks, just as working muscles strengthens them,” The inverse is also true, “If you routinely think about things that make you feel mad or wounded, you are sensitizing and strengthening the amygdala, which is primed to respond to negative experiences. So it will become more reactive, and you will get more upset more easily in the future."
**pump up the jam! ~ tricking the brain into happiness is kinda weird but we as humans harness that power like it or not. one of my favorite activates to pump my brain full of smiles is pumping up the jam! in the morning most likely in the shower or post shower i crank up a fun pandora station (90's rap preferably, lol) & get it hard. i mean really get into it, sing along, dance~ go nuts! if your body is having fun your brain will soon follow, it has no choice!
**fill the air with laughs and inspiration ~ completely indulge yourself w/ comedy and love. maybe instead of spending a heap of time on Facebook, go over to youtube and look up your favorite stand up comedian or funny videos. you can even listen to the standup in place of your "pump up the jam" sesh while getting ready for the day! lol, switch it up! i like to look up positive quotes, too. check out this pinterest community board you can join~
it's FULL of great inspiring quotes and you can even get in on the party & post some of your own favorites. :)
**fresh air and exercise ~ okay i HAD to squeeze exercise in here even though i would think most everybody knows it's always good to exercise! the benefits it can have on your mind, body & soul are incredible and should not be overlooked. i myself struggle A LOT with this! where i currently live is a very nice area to walk though, and i've been walking my dog around the block which can seem like a chore but can also be enjoyable as well. i notice just being outside (especially during this time of year) helps with cabin fever as well. really breathing in the fresh air & being out and about w/ out the convenience of a vehicle is refreshing. you see so much more and really experience things around you! sometimes if we can, my husband and i will walk together and bring our coffee along. it's therapeutic and allows for some good ole fashion conversation. <3
sometimes, i get myself into a funk and no matter how hard i try, my day feels doomed. this will happen at times! (life=roller coaster city) but like i've been saying~ we gotta try for the best & never give up on what we deserve out of everyday. especially if we suffer with ailments like anxiety and depression. also around this time of year, many battle seasonal depression, so fitting some of these routines into your everyday/morning will definitely help fight that melancholy, down in the dumps feeling. i sure hope something i shared will help somebody out there have a happier go of it! cause isn't that what life's all about? we all want to wake up with smiles on our faces thats for sure. happiness is not a destination, happiness is a state of mind! & we all have the power to be, well...happy :)
thank you for viewing my post!
~peace & blessin's to all~
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