8 guy habits that drive ladies nuts!
*disclaimer~ this post in not meant to be sexist, though it may seem to be so. it is merely myself poking fun at certain things i notice a lot of men to be guilty of~ yet NOT all men. all in good fun folks ;-)
*the toilet paper/ice cube tray dilemma~
men will almost never fill the ice cube tray when cubes are gone. they will simply leave one cube in the tray and claim that the cubes were not gone yet. OR they may even put it back empty, the nerve... you really never know what to expect. same goes with the tiolet paper roll, they usually just like to leave the new one on the back of the john for you to deal with at a later time. basically, if anything is in need of filling or replacing~ JUST DO IT yourself! avoid the petty argument all together :)
*never ask a man to find anything, ever~
woman are finders of all things, "man brains" do not work like ours in this department at ALL. you can ask the hub to grab your purse from the living room and he may be in there bewildered for hours on the hunt. the dang thing is probably in plan sight sitting on top of the coffee table but that's okay. we love them anyways ;-)
*the incapability of cleaning up facial hair shavings~
yep, us ladies always know when the men have shaved, not by their trim faces, but by the BATHROOM SINK covered in gross little hairs! my theory is that they use too much manly energy doing the job, so after the duty has been done they are just plum tuckered and don't want to deal with the mess. they are probably thinking, "i know my wife bitches at me every time i leave this crap on the sink, but she'll clean it up anyways". & unfortunately they are right, bastards...
*guys have selective hearing~
guys are into their thing...whatever it may be at the time. & lets face it, most woman like to talk more than men do. this is why it's important for us girls to have girly friends, somebody that truly enjoys chatting it up on the daily. not saying guys never want to talk and have in depth convos, they just like that kind of stuff more sparingly, they really dig their "man time". so i say, just let them have it! then when you really do want to have a good conversation they are more likely to listen intently. which is much better than the blank stare at the tube incorborated with random head nods, right? :)
*the wandering eye~
dudes have S.E.X on the mind, A LOT! dudes can not help but want to check out hot tamales while out and about. if they have the opportunity to do so, most likely they WILL. nothing to really stress over, though most of us probably get real annoyed by it. personally if i see it happen, in most causes i will try to let it go. BUUUUTTT, if i see my hub do it over and over, getting all carried away with the stare down, i will speak up and confront! guys will be guys but there should be a level of respect in there... word up.
*farts, need i say more?~
okay, i guess i'm not positive that all men have a farting obsession, but i do know quite a few that DO. it's like once comfy in a relationship they just let the flood gates open and thrive on sharing their ass fumes with the lucky lady! i thought after leaving my childhood home i would be free of this torture, (older brother here people)~ but i was SADLY mistaken!
*trail blazers (i know we already covered farts, i'm speaking of the OTHER trails)~
the other trails meaning~ the messy ones. my hubby has this ridiculous habit of leaving his dirty clothes pile RIGHT NEXT to the freakin' hamper!! i mean, really? i can't figure this one out. whether it be clothing on floor, dishes left in the living room, tools/electronic gadgets/what-have-you~ just scattered about. men love to leave trails. the worst of all is when us gals happen to get sick, lord help us all! we emerge from the bedroom in a near zombie like state just to find that the apocalypse has actually occurred, & (this is double time if kids are involved).
*boys= procrastination city!~
i had to add this T-shirt picture, it basically speaks for itself! we all procrastinate at times, but dudes take it to a whole different level! & bitching about whatever it may be that you're trying to get them to do usually doesn't do the trick. i really don't know what does, if you find out~ FILL ME IN!
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