the naked truth about being naked.... & breastfeeding.

why is america such a prude? really. this subject may be controversial but it shouldn't be. yes, everyone has an opinion on the matter & that's cool, BUT...

today i am diving into the subject of nudity & dadadadaaaaann, ((breast-feeding in public)). when did humans become such uptight A-holes? honestly, i hesitate to touch on the matter do to giving it more power & in that light~ i will try to keep this as short and sweet as possible ;)

i'm not sure if our "tech savvy", "porn obsessed", "sex offender locater" society is just brain washed, delirious or plan full of fear that everyone is out to flash a titty at the world. but....BREASTFEEDING is like, essential! that's what boobs are REALLY for. well, now you know so that should settle the score i hope. if whipping out a teet in public is offending you then, look the other way. :) if your husband is ogling an innocent mother's jug, at least he's not out at the strip joint sticking dollar bills in a strange woman's ass crack. 

(obviously out of respect the dude should try not to ogle, i realize the horniness that occurs~ but it's kinda creepy).

& the horniness is what it is. it's natural to feel that, boobs are also considered a sexual body part, i get it. i love boobs myself, they're amazing! that is fine, but when it comes to a mother feeding her child. whether you get "turned on" or not is moot. 

nudism in general is as old as humanity. it's normal, natural. in many countries such as: europe, canada, south east asia, south america, it's common for family members to be nude in the home. my children are often nude in front of me or around the house. i am happy they feel comfortable in their own home & definitely don't discourage it.

my theory~ i think a lot of folks are raised many different ways, but for some reason it's the ones that complain & ridicule that get most the attention. so when somebody is doing something that seems "strange" or "upsetting" to them, they get angry and start a big hoopla over it. thus the breastfeeding controversy. i feel like a lot of things that get attention in the media are just a distraction from what is really important. feeling passionate about a subject is great but when it's always a negative and/or prejudice one you might want to look into developing a different mindset. 

i get passionate about different subjects myself, they are usually subjects where i feel i must defend the innocent, (such as gays). the breastfeeding mother is just another innocent bystander, and i'm here to stand up for what i know is right & just!

babes~ enjoy your mama's milk.
mamas~ enjoy feeding & connecting w/ your babes :)

~good day sirs ~


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