does *body positivity* enable obesity?

Tess Holliday~ body positivity ambassador

America is more obese & over-weight in recent years than ever. I'm not an expert on all the statistics but most can guess the biggest culprits. 1-> technological advances that encourage us to not move as often as we should. 2-> unhealthy eating habits, Second- Only because I realize it's not an insanely new thing to have crappy food around. My dad has told stories about how monstrous burgers used to be back in "his day", though, i am certain there is much more *fast, junk & processed food* available now. Also, food stamps are a fairly new thing. Poor people in our country don't often go hungry anymore (a very good thing)- but unfortunately, many battle more w/ depression and often buy unhealthy food or just have poor eating habits. 

Personally, I have struggled with my weight since having children, it seems like a constant battle. A few years back I really jumped on the whole "body positivity" band wagon. Realizing I may never be as thin as I'd like- I refused (still do) to let my weight define me. I am often saddened by those who obsess over their weight- I guess I feel life is too short to have that kind of mind-set. Though, that cliche *but oh so true* statement, "life is too short", is what brought me to my current state of mind. I really started questioning and researching more about obesity & it's effects on our bodies. 

If somebody smokes cigarettes, do we usually encourage it?- "Go ahead... keep smoking, you are beautiful as a smoker or a nonsmoker, don't let the haters get you down!" 
heck no! we are aware of the side effects these days, we realize the outcomes of long term tobacco use because they have become more mainstream. Often those who smoke hope to quit, & non-smokers wish for our loved ones to someday quit.

So why do so many choose to turn a blind eye to obesity? Why sugar coat it & act like it's okay to be putting ourselves at risk for horrible diseases/health issues? I suppose obesity is not so black & white as smoking, maybe not such a good analogy- but I'm sure you see what I'm getting at. If we are truly able to attempt to lose weight (we don't battle w/ diseases that make us heavy) why not at least try? & keep trying?

In no means am I saying to go on some crazy diet or obsess over the scale however you might choose, I'm just saying - don't ignore it!
I could seriously punch myself for ignoring it so long. It's crazy how something can flip a switch in your brain and you're suddenly on the wagon, or off the wagon. weight loss and healthy eating is soooo incredibly much mind over matter. I hope for more of us to be truly aware.

I now have such mixed feelings about the body positive movement. On one hand- I absolutely adore it & I honestly think humans can look beautiful in many shapes & sizes. who are we to know or judge if a person isn't "bigger" due to an underlined issue? On the other hand- the movement can be somewhat of an enabler to those that should care more & just...don't. I believe many heavy folks also battle with some form of depression or mental illness, so I get how *easer said than done* it is to live a healthier life style. guess what though? a lot of us can! & so many of us should try. 

Maybe our health issues aren't apparent now, but someday they will be. Someday, they will be like a huge red flag screaming "why didn't you help me when you could?! Why did you ignore me for so long!!?" The older we get- the harder it gets and the more likely some kind of disease will occur. Seems kind of harsh to say it but ask any doctor/medical professional & they will agree. 

I say it's time to start caring more. Maybe this whole post is more for me but I thought I'd share in case others might benefit as well. & those who don't know- I have a lot of weight to lose. I'm not just a little over weight. I guess with my surgery coming up and all, it really got me thinking more in depth about my health, mental & physical. I'm a mess but am happy and thankful to be more aware of things as of recent. I hope the best for all of you- whatever you may be struggling with. 💜

peace & blessings <3


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