my anti-adult list.
i'm 33, married w/ 2 kids & am nowhere near an adult. i think i'm supposed to be but it just never happened.
here's a list of stuff i don't do or have:
1. money, like seriously. none.
2. goto meetings or carry a brief case.
3. own a house. (not only that but my apartment is TINY. not a trendy "tiny" house, way different.)
4. do the dishes enough. i hate them, they suck. :P
5. the courage to feel comfy around doctors or dentists. (god bless these adult-like people but they freak me right out!)
6. a career. wtf LIFE?
7. make my bed 88% of the time.
8. a college degree. though i did go, for like a year....i think? well, if community college counts...
9. cable or even rabbit ear thingys.
10. normal conversations w/ adults. just weird ones. if shit goes normal, i panic.
11. a plan...any plan. i think adults are supposed to have plans?
12. the capability to NOT Love 90's R&B/rap.
13. exercise, ever. (not really proud of this one, i'm plump as all get out).
14. act like a "soccer/mini van, scrapbooking mom". ((but may i *toot my own horn* by saying, i'm a pretty awesome, funny, weird, child-like mom!)) at least i like to think so.
15. wear pants. (no joke) i live in dresses like a lady-child.
16. a real Facebook name. *gypsy jewls* is my Facebook name, really self?!
17. the right mind to NOT laugh when i really shouldn't be laughing.
18. fart.
19. own a pair of sneakers. (possibly goes along w/ the lack of exercise?)
20. shy away at the opportunity to poke fun of myself. hope you enjoyed! :)
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