GIRLS compete with each other. WOMAN empower one another.

dudettes! i don't even know how to begin this or what to point out first so i'm just going to write as if i'm talking to a bud. HI FRIEND! 
i wonder if we've always been like this & if not, when did it all begin? i feel most likely it's in our nature... but quite possibly more recent ways have pushed us into the depth of "self-absorbed attention whore syndrome". 

first off, the main subject of hand is exactly what the pictures states. "GIRLS compete with each other. WOMAN empower one another". how true is that? yet in all honesty, who can blame the "girls"? its like we are raised to become these jealous fragile creatures. constantly being pushed into a society so focused on looks and competition. the men~ masculine authority figures with all the power & woman~ the submissive pretty little wives at their beck & call. of course nowadays (super recent "nowadays") things are changing for the better. i feel like the feminist movement is gaining momentum and we're headed down the right path! :D way to go ladies! BUT still all that aside, we seem a bit stuck. 
things in the way~ 

*media* stupid TV, realty shows, advertisements & silly celebrities that are only famous because they are rich and attractive. also magazines & anything focused on image.

*unrealistic expectations* girls focusing on all the fake images. from photoshopped everything to pictures of peers on Facebook that often portray perfected images of said person.

*bad boys* girls falling for the wrong partner/bad boy/player, etc. these men often treat woman like crap but give just enough attention to keep us hanging on. leading to a lack of self worth and my next issue. --->

*competitive nature* either we want the wrong man's attention or just everybody's attention (attention whore syndrome).

*jealousy* being envious of other girls for whatever reason. mainly because we would like to be the center of attention or the "prettiest girl in the room". (thus the reason why it is said most girls hate the prettiest girl in the room)!!

*low self esteem* whether it's constantly comparing ourselves to other girls or obsessing over body image flaws. because we never look like the girl in the magazine, because the girl in the magazine doesn't even look like the girl in the magazine! basically the same issue as "unrealistic expectations".

so yeah, that's certainly not everything but it's the bulk of what came to mind. sometimes i feel like we woman really have no hope as far as seriously concurring our jealous & competitive tendencies. BUT WE DO!

we have the power and always have. it's like what we absorb, we become. you are what you eat :) if you feed the part of your brain that becomes that way, you're much more likely to BE that way. basically try to avoid all of my pointers up thur ^^^^
especially if you really struggle with the subject at hand.

i feel like many girls with lower self esteems battle in the "bad boy" area because bad boys or "sweet talkers" are usually the ones to approach the more insecure ladies. well "screwww them"!! but please not literally because that's what they WANT!
tons of men think many ladies are attractive, even if you don't think you are...girl, YOU ARE! if you have boobs and an ass most men will want you but that doesn't mean you should use them to get a man's attention, because most likely you will end up attracting a crap dude that way. so don't fall for the shitty dudes & don't sell yourself short for any dude & PLEASE DO NOT compete with other girls for a dude in general. if you EVER have to do that he is so NOT worth it! i don't care if he's johnny friggin' depp. (can't believe i just said that). but tis true ;)


*feed your mind with positive thoughts about yourself, take pride in the splendid lady you are :) 

*always focus on bettering yourself, not putting others down.

*never judge another girl for anything concerning image especially. it's mean and maybe (for that split second) will make you feel better, but negative thoughts & words in general suck.

*never judge or be jealous of "the prettiest girl in the room". you never know what she might be hiding or battling. & if she is getting more attention so be it, focus on yourself and having a good time!

*kill your friggin' TV!! or just watch crap programs less. READ books, create something, play music,  make music, dance, take walks, be one with nature <3

*help/inspire ALL other sisters to feel beautiful and worthy of all life's awesomeness. thus hopefully leading them to inspire others as well, causing a positive domino effect of EMPOWERED WOMAN! <3

everything stated is simply straight from thee ole noggin, from my own beliefs and ideals. i don't pretend to know, i just think & i share :)


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